Hochschule Hannover – University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Study Programmes:
- BIN: B.Sc. Computer Science
- MDI: B.Sc. Media Design Computing
- MIN: M.Sc. Computer Science
Summer Semester 2025
- Visualization and
Human-Computer Interaction
(MIN 2nd semester) - Deep Learning
(MIN 2nd semester, with Adrian Pigors)
Winter Semester 2024/25
- Mathematics 1
(BIN/MDI 1st semester, with Adrian Pigors) - Work Placement/Study
Abroad Seminar
(MDI 5th semester) - Machine Learning
(MIN 1st semester, with Felix Heine)
Summer Semester 2024
- Statistics
(BIN 2nd semester, MDI 4th semester) - Visualization and
Human-Computer Interaction
(MIN 2nd semester)
Winter Semester 2023/24
- Mathematics 1
(BIN/MDI 1st semester, with Frauke Sprengel) - Work Placement/Study
Abroad Seminar
(MDI 5th semester) - Machine Learning
(MIN 1st semester) - Master Project:
Real-Time Space Mapping and Interactive Visualization
(MIN 3rd semester)
Summer Semester 2023
- Sabbatical semester: research on 5G-based digital twins of public spaces (5GAPS project)
Winter Semester 2022/23
- Mathematics 1
(BIN/MDI 1st semester) - Machine Learning
(MIN 1st semester, with Felix Heine)
Summer Semester 2022
- Statistics
(BIN/MDI 2nd semester, with Felix Heine) - Visualization and
Human-Computer Interaction
(MIN 2nd semester)
Winter Semester 2021/22
- Mathematics 1
(BIN/MDI 1st semester) - Machine Learning
(MIN 1st semester, with Felix Heine)
Summer Semester 2021
- Statistics
(BIN/MDI 2nd semester, with Adrian Pigors) - Visualization and
Human-Computer Interaction
(MIN 2nd semester) - Deep Learning
(MIN 2nd semester, with Felix Heine and Adrian Pigors) - Visual Computing:
Localization and Multilateration
(MIN 2nd semester, with Dennis Allerkamp and Ingo Ginkel)
Winter Semester 2020/21
- Work Placement/Study
Abroad Seminar
(MDI 5th semester) - Machine Learning
(MIN 1st semester, with Felix Heine) - Master Project:
Visualization of Data Cubes for Anomaly Detection in Security Data Streams
(MIN 3rd semester)
Summer Semester 2020
- Practical Project 2:
Co-Simulation between MATSim and AnyLogic in the Cloud
(BIN 6th semester, with Arne Koschel and Richard Pump) - Visualization and
Human-Computer Interaction
(MIN 2nd semester)
Winter Semester 2019/20
- Mathematics 1
(BIN/MDI 1st semester) - Practical Project 1:
Co-Simulation between MATSim and AnyLogic in the Cloud
(BIN 5th semester, with Arne Koschel and Richard Pump)
Summer Semester 2019
- Computer Graphics 1
(BIN 4th semester) - Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction
(MIN 2nd semester)
Winter Semester 2018/19
- Sabbatical semester: research on simulation of urban logistics networks (USEfUL project)
Summer Semester 2018
- Statistics
(BIN/MDI 2nd semester) - Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction
(MIN 2nd semester)
Winter Semester 2017/18
- Start Project: NAO Robots
(MDI 1st semester) - Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction
(MIN 3rd semester)
Summer Semester 2017
- Statistics
(BIN/MDI 2nd semester) - Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction
(MIN 2nd semester, only for re-examination)
Winter Semester 2016/17
- Start Project: App Inventor
(MDI 1st semester) - Data Analysis
(B.Sc. Business Information Systems 4th semester)
Summer Semester 2016
- Practical Project 2: Test Bench for a Micro-CHP Unit
(BIN 6th semester, with Arne Koschel, Dominik Schöner, and Malte Zuch) - Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction
(MIN 2nd semester) - Master Seminar:
Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Visualization
(MIN 2nd semester, with Ingo Ginkel and Frauke Sprengel)
Winter Semester 2015/16
- Start Project: App Inventor
(BIN 1st semester) - Practical Project 1: Test Bench for a Micro-CHP Unit
(BIN 5th semester, with Arne Koschel, Dominik Schöner, and Malte Zuch) - Computer Graphics and Interaction
(MIN 1st semester)
Summer Semester 2015
- Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction
(M.Sc. 2nd semester) - Master Seminar:
Current Topics in Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Visualization
(M.Sc. 2nd semester, with Elisabeth Dennert-Möller and Ingo Ginkel)
Winter Semester 2014/15
- Computer Graphics and Interaction
(M.Sc. 1st semester) - Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction
(M.Sc. 3rd semester)
Summer Semester 2014
- Sabbatical semester: research on visualization of network security metadata (VisITMeta project)
Winter Semester 2013/14
- Mathematics III: Statistics
(B.Sc. 3rd semester) - Computer Graphics and Interaction
(M.Sc. 1st semester) - Advanced Topic Virtual and Augmented Reality
(M.Sc. 3rd semester)
Summer Semester 2013
- Computer Structures
(B.Sc. 2nd semester) - Bachelor Seminar:
Methods of Artificial Intelligence
(B.Sc. 4th semester) - Interactive Computer
(M.Sc. 2nd semester)
Winter Semester 2012/13
- Mathematics III: Statistics
(B.Sc. 3rd semester) - Visualization Techniques
(M.Sc. 1st semester, with Ingo Ginkel) - Advanced Topic Virtual and Augmented Reality
(M.Sc. 3rd semester) - Master Seminar:
Current Topics in Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Visualization
(M.Sc. 3rd semester, with Elisabeth Dennert-Möller, Ingo Ginkel, and Frauke Sprengel) - Master Project:
Visualization of Mobile IT Infrastructure Security
(M.Sc. 3rd semester, with Frauke Sprengel and Bastian Hellmann)
Summer Semester 2012
- Computer Structures
(B.Sc. 2nd semester) - Bachelor Seminar:
Programming Languages and Paradigms
(B.Sc. 4th semester) - Interactive Computer
(M.Sc. 2nd semester) - Supplementary Subject: Microcontroller Programming and Robotics
(B.Sc. 2nd/4th semester)
Winter Semester 2011/12
- Visualization Techniques
(M.Sc. 1st semester) - Advanced Topic Virtual and Augmented Reality
(M.Sc. 3rd semester) - Master Seminar:
Simulation in Computer Graphics and Visualization
(M.Sc. 3rd semester) - Supplementary Subject: Microcontroller Programming and Robotics
(B.Sc. 1st/3rd semester, with Elisabeth Dennert-Möller)
Summer Semester 2011
- Bachelor Seminar:
Information Visualization
(B.Sc. 4th semester) - Visualization Techniques
(M.Sc. 2nd semester) - Interactive Computer Graphics
(M.Sc. 2nd semester, with Frauke Sprengel) - Supplementary Subject: Microcontroller Programming
(B.Sc. 2nd/4th semester, with Elisabeth Dennert-Möller)
Winter Semester 2010/11
- Mathematics III: Statistics
(B.Sc. 3rd semester) - Advanced Topic Visual Computing:
GPU Computing
(M.Sc. 3rd semester, with Frauke Sprengel) - Master Seminar:
Current Topics in Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Visualization
(M.Sc. 3rd semester, with Elisabeth Dennert-Möller, Ingo Ginkel, and Frauke Sprengel) - Master Project:
Genome Sequence Visualization
(M.Sc. 3rd semester, with Frauke Sprengel)
Summer Semester 2010
- Computer Structures
(B.Sc. 2nd semester) - Visualization Techniques
(M.Sc. 2nd semester) - Interactive Computer Graphics
(M.Sc. 2nd semester)
Winter Semester 2009/10
- Sabbatical semester: research on visualization and simulation of voice portal usage (ViSiNuS project)
Summer Semester 2009
- Technical Computer Science II
(B.Sc. 2nd semester) - Practical Project and Seminar: Autonomous Mobile Robots
(B.Sc. 6th semester, with Elisabeth Dennert-Möller) - Visualization Techniques
(M.Sc. 2nd semester) - Interactive Computer Graphics
(M.Sc. 2nd semester, with Frauke Sprengel)
Winter Semester 2008/09
- Mathematics I
(B.Sc. 1st semester, with Frauke Sprengel) - Mathematics III: Statistics
(B.Sc. 3rd semester) - Practical Project and Seminar: Autonomous Mobile Robots
(B.Sc. 5th semester, with Elisabeth Dennert-Möller) - Advanced Topics in Virtual and Augmented Reality
(M.Sc. 3rd semester)
Summer Semester 2008
- Technical Computer Science II
(B.Sc. 2nd semester) - Visualization Techniques
(M.Sc. 2nd semester) - Interactive Computer Graphics
(M.Sc. 2nd semester)
Winter Semester 2007/08
- Technical Computer Science I
(B.Sc. 1st semester) - Advanced Topics in Virtual and Augmented Reality
(M.Sc. 3rd semester) - Advanced Topics in Visual Computing: Modeling and Simulation
(M.Sc. 3rd semester, with Frauke Sprengel) - Master Project: Biomedical Graph Visualization
(M.Sc. 3rd semester, with Frauke Sprengel)
Summer Semester 2007
- Technical Computer Science II
(B.Sc. 2nd semester) - Practical Project: Autonomous Mobile Robots
(B.Sc. 6th semester, with Elisabeth Dennert-Möller) - Graphics II: Generative Computer Graphics
(M.Sc. 2nd semester, with Henrik Tramberend)
Winter Semester 2006/07
- Technical Computer Science I
(B.Sc. 1st semester) - Mathematics I
(B.Sc. 1st semester, with Elisabeth Dennert-Möller) - Practical Project and Seminar: Autonomous Mobile Robots
(B.Sc. 5th semester, with Elisabeth Dennert-Möller) - Advanced Topics in Graphics and Simulation: Modeling and Simulation
(M.Sc. 3rd semester, with Henrik Tramberend)
Summer Semester 2006
- Technical Computer Science II
(B.Sc. 2nd semester) - Computer Graphics I
(B.Sc. 4th semester)
Winter Semester 2005/06
- Technical Computer Science I
(B.Sc. 1st semester) - Discrete Mathematics I
(M.Sc. 1st semester)