Volker Ahlers – Conferences

The larger the island of knowledge,
the longer the shoreline of wonder.

(Ralph W. Sockman)

Wümme, near Bremen



- HS Hannover
- Faculty IV
- Volker Ahlers (HS Hannover)

Last update:

Conference and Seminar Contributions

Selection of talks and posters; the presenting author is underlined. Published articles in conference proceedings are included in the publication list on the referring page.

Mortazavi F, Kuzminykh A, Ahlers V, Brenner C, Sester M (2024) Integrated multi-stereo camera system for robust indoor localization with temporal fusion techniques. Talk at Optical 3D Metrology Workshop (O3DM 2024), 12–13 Dec 2024, Brescia, Italy.

Ahlers V (2024) Wie sollen wir KI lehren? Keynote at KI-Forum 2024, 17 Sep 2024, Hannover.

Ahlers V (2024) Bedrohung oder Chance? Generative KI in der Hochschullehre. Talk at 12. Wismarer Wirtschaftsinformatik-Tage (WiWiTa 2024): Generative KI in Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, 27–28 June 2024, Wismar.

Ahlers V (2024) Teaching artificial intelligence in computer science. Talk at Friend or Foe? Unleashing the Creative Power of Generative AI, International Week at University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, 13–16 May 2024, Vienna, Austria.

Kuzminykh A, Rohde J, Gottschewski-Meyer PO, Ahlers V (2023) Stereo vision and LiDAR based point cloud acquisition for creating digital twins in indoor applications. Talk at 12th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS 2023), 7.–9. Sep 2023, Dortmund.

Ahlers V (2023) 5G-based digital twin of public spaces. Talk at Change Our Tomorrow: Pathways to a Sustainable Future, International Week at University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, 23–25 May 2023, Vienna, Austria.

Ahlers V (2023) Finding the difference: anomaly detection in computer science teaching and network security research. Poster at Eye on TAMK 2023: (Re)connecting Professional Networks, International Week at Tampere University of Applied Sciences, 20–24 Mar 2023, Tampere, Finland.
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Ahlers V (2022) Visualisierung komplexer Netzwerke. Invited talk at Kurt-Schwitters-Symposium Datenvisualisierungen – Werkzeuge der Erkenntnis, 24–25 Nov 2022, Hannover.
›› Video stream (YouTube)

Schneegans S, Gilg J, Ahlers V, Gerndt A (2022) Real-time rendering of eclipses without incorporation of atmospheric effects. Talk at Pacific Graphics 2022, 5–8 Oct 2022, Kyoto, Japan (hybrid).

Ahlers V (2022) Stochastic models for chaotic dynamics and anomaly detection. Invited talk at Nonlinear Science: Achievements and Perspectives, 26–28 Sep 2022, Potsdam.

Pump R, Bienzeisler L, Lelke T, Ahlers V, Koschel A (2022) Service-oriented architecture for automatic evaluation of urban logistical concepts. Talk at ASIM SST 2022, 26. Symposium Simulationstechnik, 25–27 Jul 2022, Vienna, Austria.

Ahlers V (2022) Back to school! From online to classroom teaching – or something in between?. Talk at EDU@Home: Opportunities and Challenges in Teaching and Research, International Week at University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, 16–18 May 2022, Vienna, Austria.

Heine F, Kleiner C, Klostermeyer P, Ahlers V, Laue T, Wellermann N, (2021) Detecting attacks in network traffic using normality models: the cellwise estimator. Talk at 14th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS 2021), 8–10 Dec 2021, Paris, France (hybrid).

Meinhardt M, Pump R, Ahlers V, Koschel A (2021) Entwicklung einer Webanwendung für die Darstellung von Logistikszenarien. Talk at Workshop Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften 2021, 24–26 Nov 2021, Müncheberg.

Ahlers V, Laue T, Wellermann N, Heine F (2021) Visualization of data cubes for anomaly detection in network traffic data streams. Talk at 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS 2021), 22.–25. Sep 2021, Cracow, Poland (online).

Ahlers V, Dunkel J, Gädtke C, Koschel A, Schild J, Schnitt T (2021) Mediendesigninformatik – Erfahrungen mit einem interdisziplinären Bachelor-Studiengang. Talk at 9. Fachtagung Hochschuldidaktik Informatik (HDI) 2021, 15.–16. Sep 2021, Dortmund.

Gilg J, Zander S, Schneegans S, Ahlers V, Gerndt A (2021) Comparison of depth buffer techniques for large and detailed 3D scenes. Talk at GI VR/AR Workshop 2021, 9.–10. Sep 2021, Sankt Augustin (online).

Pump R, Gohde S, Trott M, Auf der Landwehr M, Koschel A, Ahlers V, Gusig L, von Viebahn C (2021) Towards extending USEfUL-ness for urban logistics with service-orientation. Talk at 13th International Conference on Advanced Service Computing (SERVICE COMPUTATION 2021), 18–22 Apr 2021, Porto, Portugal (online).

Heumann M, Pump R, Breitner MH, Koschel A, Ahlers V (2021) Towards sustainable transport: a strategic decision support system for urban logistics operations. Talk at 16. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2021). 9–11 Mar 2021, Essen (online).

Ahlers V (2021) Media Design Computing: experiences with an interdisciplinary curriculum. Talk at The 21st Century Engineer: On Integrating Hard and Soft Skills Into Curricula, International Week at University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, 18–21 Jan 2021, Vienna, Austria (online).

Pump R, von Perbandt C, Ahlers V, Koschel A (2020) Creating cloud simulations for urban logistics. Talk at ASIM SST 2020, 25. Symposium Simulationstechnik, 14–15 Oct 2020, Sankt Augustin (online).

Pump R, Ahlers V, Koschel A (2020) Evaluating artificial immune system algorithms for intrusion detection. Talk at 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), 27–28 Jul 2020, London, UK (online).

Ahlers V (2020) The benefit of projects in computer science education. Talk at Smart University: Strategies Towards Innovation and an Entrepreneurial Spirit, International Week at University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, 20–23 Jan 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Ahlers V, Hellmann B (2019) Visual analytics of network security metadata. Invited talk at IWEIC 2019: International Workshop on Electronics, Information and Communication. November 7–8, 2019, Hiroshima, Japan.

Ahlers V, Hellmann B, Dreo Rodosek G (2019) A user study of the visualization-assisted evaluation and management of network security detection events and policies. Talk at 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS 2019). 18–21 Sep 2019, Metz, France.

Pump R, Baumann, M, Bellok, JT, Ahlers V, Koschel A (2019) Kombinierte Simulation logistikrelevanter Verkehrszusammenhänge. Talk at Workshop Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften 2019, 8–10 May 2019, Kassel.

Pump R, Koschel A, Ahlers V (2019) On microservices in smart grid capable pmCHP. Talk at 11th International Conference on Advanced Service Computing (SERVICE COMPUTATION 2019), 5–9 May 2019, Venice, Italy (presented by Hausotter A).

Ahlers V (2019) Visualisiserung als Spielwiese für innovative Lehrformen. Invited talk at 110. MNU-Bundeskongress: MINT-Bildung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung, 21–25 Mar 2019, Hannover.

Ahlers V (2019) Data visualization. Invited talk at University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology, Division of Molecular Neuroscience, 8 Feb 2019, Basel, Switzerland.

Ahlers V (2019) Simulation and evaluation of new concepts for urban logistics. Talk at Tackling the Digital Challenge, International Week at University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, 21–24 Jan 2019, Vienna, Austria.

Pump R, Ahlers V, Koschel A (2018) State of the art in artificial immune-based intrusion detection systems for smart grids. Talk at 2018 Second World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), 30–31 Oct 2018, London, UK.

Pump R, Ahlers V, Koschel A (2018) Simulation des Kommunikationsnetzes im Smart Grid. Talk at Workshop Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften 2018, 11–13 Apr 2018, Hannover.

Pump R, Koschel A, Ahlers V (2018) On microservices in smart grid capable pmCHP. Talk at 10th International Conference on Advanced Service Computing (SERVICE COMPUTATION 2018), 18–22 Feb 2018, Barcelona, Spain.

Hellmann B, Ahlers V, Dreo Rodosek G (2017) Integrating visual analysis of network security and management of detection system configurations. Talk at IEEE 9th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS 2017), 21–23 Sep 2017, Bucharest, Romania.

Schöner D, Pump R, Rüscher H, Koschel A, Ahlers V (2017) Providing a sustainable, adaptive IT infrastructure for portable micro-CHP test benches. Talk at 31st Conference on Environmental Informatics (EnviroInfo 2017), 13–15 Sep 2017, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Pump R, Rüscher H, Schöner D, Saul D, Ahlers V, Koschel A (2017) Simulation des Netzverkehrs der Informationstechnologie im Smart Grid. Talk at Workshop Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften 2017, 26–28 Apr 2017, Berlin.

Schöner D, Pump R, Schmicke C, Minnrich JP, Rüscher H, Ahlers V, Koschel A (2016) IT-Unterstützung von BHKW-Prüfständen in der angewandten Forschung. Talk at INFORMATIK 2016: Workshop Umweltinformatik zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Wandel (UINW 2016), 27 Sep 2016, Klagenfurt, Austria.

Ahlers V (2016) Visualization as a playground for innovative teaching methods. Talk at 21. Norddeutsches Kolloquium für Informatik an Fachhochschulen, 19–21 May 2016, Hamburg.
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Ahlers V (2015) Teaching information visualization: A playground for classroom response systems and declarative programming projects. Poster at IEEE VIS 2015, 25–30 Oct 2015, Chicago, IL, USA.
›› PDF poster
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Hellmann B, Reichenbach M, Renners L, Ahlers V (2015) Visualization of network security policy evaluation. Poster at IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec 2015), 26 Oct 2015, Chicago, IL, USA.
›› PDF poster
›› PDF poster abstract

Ahlers V (2015) Teaching information visualization and statistics concepts using classroom response systems. Talk at Turning Technologies User Conference, 26 Oct 2015, Warsaw, Poland.

Ahlers V, Heine F, Hellmann B, Kleiner C, Renners L, Rossow T, Steuerwald R (2015) Integrated visualization of network security metadata from heterogeneous data sources. Talk at 2nd International Workshop on Graphical Models for Security (GraMSec 2015), 13 Jul 2015, Verona, Italy.

Ahlers V, Heine F, Hellmann B, Kleiner C, Renners L, Rossow T, Steuerwald R (2014) Replicable security monitoring: Visualizing time-variant graphs of network metadata. Talk at 1st International Workshop on Graph Visualization in Practice (GraphViP 2014), 1 Aug 2014, Melbourne, Australia.

Ahlers V (2014) An extensible scene graph library for teaching computer graphics along the programable pipeline. Poster at 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE'14), 5–8 Mar 2014, Atlanta, GA, USA.
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Hawi N, Liodakis E, Musolli D, Suero EM, Krettek C, Kleiner C, Ahlers V, Citak M (2013) Die Verwendung des Microsoft Kinect Systems zur Bestimmung der Bewegungsausmaße am Schulter- und Ellenbogengelenk: Eine Pilot Studie. Poster at Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DKOU 2013), 22–25 Oct 2013, Berlin.

Hawi N, Liodakis E, Musolli D, Suero EM, Krettek C, Kleiner C, Ahlers V, Citak M (2013) Measuring range of motion by using Microsoft Kinect system for shoulder and elbow joint: a pilot study. Poster at Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2013), 26–29 Jun 2013, Heidelberg.

Lehne B, Sutherland R, Tebbe C, Barkas N, Ahlers V, Sprengel F, Schlitt T (2012) Region growing analysis: a network-based de-novo pathway discovery method. Poster at European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2012), 9–12 Sep 2012, Basel, Switzerland.

Dand N, Sprengel F, Ahlers V, Schlitt T (2012) Network-based analysis of exome-sequencing data to predict mechanisms of genetic heterogeneity. Poster at European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2012), 9–12 Sep 2012, Basel, Switzerland.

Davenport CF, Kokott S, Neugebauer J, Klockgether J, Tümmler B, Ahlers V, Sprengel F (2011) Genometa – accurate, flexible and fast taxonomic assignment for short metagenomic reads. Poster at 19. International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2011), 17–19 Jul 2011, Vienna, Austria.

Ahlers V, Zimmer B (2011) Visualisierung von Nutzerströmen in natürlichsprachlichen Dialogsystemen. Talk at 16. Norddeutsches Kolloquium für Informatik an Fachhochschulen, 26–28 May 2011, Elmshorn.

Zimmer B, Ackermann D, Schröder M, Kerren A, Ahlers V (2010) Comparative visualization of user flows in voice portals. Poster at Graph Drawing: 18th International Symposium (GD 2010), 21–24 Sep 2010, Konstanz.
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Mendig A, Sprengel F, Schlitt T, Ahlers V (2009) GPU-beschleunigtes 3D-Layout komplexer Netzwerke. Talk at Go-3D 2009, 31 Aug 2009, Rostock.

Mendig A, Ahlers V, Sprengel F, Schlitt T (2009) GPU-based layout of large graphs. Talk at 14. Norddeutsches Kolloquium für Informatik an Fachhochschulen, 14–16 May 2009, Gelsenkirchen.

Lehne B, Bente I, Hellmann B, Kammeyer H, Kirstein S, Mendig A, Schulz A, Steinmetz M, Vieweg J, Zimmer B, Sprengel F, Ahlers V, Schlitt T (2008) BioGranat: molecular biology graph visualisation and analysis tool. Poster at European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2008), 22–26 Sep 2008, Cagliari, Italy.

Ahlers V, Sprengel F, Schlitt T, Lehne B, student team (2008) BioGranat: an extensible framework for the visualization and analysis of gene regulatory networks. Talk at 13. Norddeutsches Kolloquium für Informatik an Fachhochschulen, 29–31 May 2008, Stralsund.
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Ahlers V (2005) Bildverarbeitung und maschinelles Lernen in der CAD/CAM-basierten Fertigung von Zahnersatz. Talk at 10. Norddeutsches Kolloquium für Informatik an Fachhochschulen, 28–30 Apr 2005, Hannover.

Ahlers V, Weigl P, Schachtzabel H (2005) Vollautomatische Extraktion der Präparationsgrenze für zahnärztliche Restaurationen aus 3D-Messdaten von Kiefermodellen. Talk at Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005, 13–15 Mar 2005, Heidelberg.

Ahlers V, Weigl P, Schachtzabel H (2005) Combining contour detection algorithms for the automatic extraction of the preparation line from a dental 3D measurement. Talk at SPIE Medical Imaging 2005, 12–17 Feb 2005, San Diego, CA, USA.

Ahlers V, Pikovsky A (2001) The synchronization transition in spatially extended dynamical systems. Poster at Dynamics Days 2001, 5–8 Jun 2001, Dresden.

Ahlers V, Pikovsky A (2001) The synchronization transition in spatially extended dynamical systems. Talk at Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 26–30 Mar 2001, Hamburg.

Ahlers V, Zillmer R, Pikovsky A (2000) Avoided crossings of Lyapunov exponents of disordered chaotic systems. Poster at 1. Dresdner Herbstseminar: Nichtgleichgewichtsprozesse in neuen Materialien, 5–8 Nov 2000, Dresden.

Ahlers V, Zillmer R, Pikovsky A (2000) Avoided crossings of Lyapunov exponents of disordered chaotic systems. Poster at Workshop Statistical Mechanics of Space-Time Chaos, 10–21 Jul 2000, Dresden.

Ahlers V, Zillmer R, Pikovsky A (2000) Avoided crossings of Lyapunov exponents of disordered chaotic systems. Talk at Dynamics Days 2000, 25–29 Jun 2000, Guildford, UK.

Ahlers V, Zillmer R, Pikovsky A (1999) Statistical theory for the coupling sensitivity of chaos. Talk and poster at Stochastic and Chaotic Dynamics in the Lakes (STOCHAOS), 16–20 Aug 1999, Ambleside, UK.

Ahlers V, Zillmer R, Pikovsky A (1999) Scaling of Lyapunov exponents of coupled chaotic systems. Talk at Dynamics Days 1999, 20–23 Jun 1999, Como, Italy.

Ahlers V, Parlitz U, Lauterborn W (1998) Synchronization and nonlinear dynamics of chaotic external cavity semiconductor lasers. Poster at International Winter School on Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, 11–21 Feb 1998, Dresden.